Stipend for Metsaülikool - stipends for Estonians in the USA aged 18-35 to attend Metsaülikool ( in Ontario, Canada.

Applications are accepted from
April 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025

Estonian Students Fund in the USA (“Toetusfond”) is providing stipends for Estonians in the USA aged 18-35 to attend Metsaülikool ( The stipend provides full fees for the week (which include food and study materials) and will be paid directly to Metsaülikool. Also, $100 toward travel expenses will be paid directly to the recipient at MÜ at the end of the week. Metsaülikool is an Estonian cultural immersion experience. Lectures and activities occur 100% in Estonian and your participation is strongly encouraged. While by no means does one need perfect Estonian -- and a great many do not -- everyone must commit to upholding this rule. Attendees are VERY supportive of “doing your best”, and will help in every way. Bring your friends and enjoy this special Estonian experience.